Midwest Food Technology
The Midwest Food Technology manufacturing facility is located in Pune, Maharashtra- India.
The facility houses a state of the art stainless steel metal fabrication processor, machine shop, specialized surface treatment facility and in-house control panel testing specifically designed for freezing applications.
One of our primary motives is to produce the most economical and dependable freezers that is customized to suit individual customer requirements. In order to achieve this we manufacture most of our components in-house, to ensure our product is designed in line with our said objectives.

Midwest has set its eyes on becoming the industry standard when it comes to the Spiral Freezer. Our goal is to cater to even the small and medium scale industries and their freezing needs which vary dramatically from customer to customer. Hence our vision has always been to include high flexibility and optimum customization options in all our machines, depending upon customer needs.

At Midwest Technologies our mission is produce high quality freezing and chilling machines at low cost. We also aim at not just superior process equipment but all the while maintaining the highest standards of hygiene throughout the production process.

An expert in all things design and Production, Amit Kadam brings his rich vein of experience that
spans over 21 years in the industry. Under his professional mentorship, and superior product and
industry knowledge Midwest technology has been placed at the fore front in the realm of freezing
and chilling solutions.
Amit Kadam

Abhay Anand is a master when it comes to technical support and customer handling. His remarkable
accomplishments and invaluable expertise, knowledge and technical knowhow has made Abhay an
integral part of the core team. His ability to play dual roles to perfection is a big reason for the
smooth and efficient functioning of all processes at Midwest.
Abhay Anand

Pradeep is second to none in our core team of 3 and lends his expertise in technical support as well
as in the capacity of process expert. He too brings with him a vast experience of 21 years in the
industry which makes for the perfect foil for Midwest Technology to produce some of its best
equipments under his professional expertise.